Ordinary to Extraordinary

Ordinary to Extraordinary

Bread of life intentionally invites ordinary people to move into extraordinary lives through acts of service. We do this by empowering, encouraging, and equipping people to live for something bigger than themselves. When ordinary people become empowered, encouraged and equipped then they become extraordinary.

Bread of Life started in Poznan, Poland, November 2001. It was in the Poznan Train Station that 3 cups of tea were given to frozen homeless men, women and teenagers. One of our first volunteers was a student finishing his master’s degree. At the beginning Tomek did two things:

  • Translated both English and Polish.
  • Passed out cups of hot tea to homeless men, women and teenagers.

Tomek was Ordinary

He graduated with his masters and returned to his hometown Kalisz, Poland. Noticing the homeless in his city, Tomek started passing out cups of tea at the train station. Moving ordinary people to extraordinary, Tomek today continues to Rescue the Forgotten. Tomek is the director of Bread of Life Kalisz, helping more than 3,000 people a year.

Not only rescuing the forgotten with food, shelter, clothing, and education but also working to rescue children with life threatening diseases such as cancer.

Tomek, once ordinary...now extraordinary

We invite you to become extraordinary and join our team.


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Bread of Life International is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit charitable organization based in Gilbert, AZ, USA. All financial gifts are tax deductible and processed by In Touch Mission International. To donate you will be automatically transferred to our secure webpage. Please then choose the amount you wish to give. For your convenience select 'make my monthly recurring donation' and next month your donation will be automatically done for you.

"Without Bread of Life I would be dead on the streets. But now I am rescuing those that were forgotten just like me”